Thursday, August 20, 2009

Profit 100: Best Management Advice

Once again this year, the June issue of PROFIT Magazine included fabulous (but short) business tips supplied by the CEOs of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies.

Here are 10 of the best:

Love what you do, or don't do it.

Fire people when they're not performing well: Don't turn the situation into a massive fix-it project.

If you're not willing to do business on a handshake with someone, then don't do business with them: A contract can't replace a relationship.

Understand how your product can be sold internationally: It’s a way to diversify potential revenue sources without having to diversify into tons of different products or services.

If you have the right people, the numbers will come.

Always be moderately optimistic.

Nothing I've done has been as important as hiring well.

Treat your staff the way you want your customers to be treated.

Know what makes your company successful, then measure and control those things.

Make sure all of your management team works on one agenda: yours.

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