Would you like to pick up practical, useful tips on how to become a better speaker?
Come out Thursday night to the Speakers Gold Talent Showcase, featuring

(Think of this as a live version of American Idol, or So You Think You Can Dance, except that you will hear great stories, emotional epiphanies, and many more metaphors.)
The event is this Thursday, Oct. 22, at 6.30 pm, at the King Edward Hotel in downtown Toronto. The venue was just changed due to high ticket sales, so there are a few more tickets available.
I will be a judge in the competition, as I was last year. The 2008 event was fun and memorable – a classy way to spend an evening in the big city.
My fellow judges will be James Erdt and Alizabeth Calder. (James, founder of www.Joyzone.com, won last year’s competition. Alizabeth is author of the new book Growing Up: Practical Strategies for Sustainable Business Growth.)
The judges will be commenting on each performance and trying, as best we can, to be helpful and practical without being discouraging.
These speakers will make you laugh and they’ll touch your heart. They’ll challenge your thinking and open your mind to new possibilities. Or you could stay home and watch The Office.
For tickets, contact Cathleen Fillmore at Speakers Gold (Cathleen@SpeakersGold.com), or call 416 532-9886. For more details visit http://www.speakersgold.com/events_talent-show-sep09.php
And here’s a link to the Financial Post column I wrote distilling the 10 best speaking tips learned at last year’s event. I just reread it and it's good stuff. http://www.financialpost.com/story.html?id=654070
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