(At a Chapters bookstore I recently saw a whole display of business-by-design books, presumably inspired by the release of U of T academic Roger Martin’s book, The Design of Business.)
I totally agree that business people should round out their left-brain tendencies by learning more about art, and how design can solve problems in addition to addressing esthetic issues. Still, I have worked with enough off-the-wall designers to understand that undisciplined estheticism can be as much hindrance as help. (“Why are you proposing this design?” “Because I like it. I don't have to explain it.”)
(If nothing else, you need some familiarity with art in order to push back with your designers.)
As a timely start to your art education, I recommend a recent article from BC Business magazi

Imagine how surprised your company’s designers will be when you use phrases like “wins the gold for minimalism,” “embraces the precepts of op art,” and “a Matisse-like quality.”
Allison also offers this useful observation about corporate logos: “A good logo not

Read the full story here.
Then marvel at the excesses of the logo for the 2012 London games:

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