The Soo, once one of Canada’s most prosperous communities (lots of high-paying union jobs at the mill and Algoma Steel), now faces the same uncertain future as most of Canada’s commodity-processing centres: where will future employment come from, and how do you get the bright kids to stay around? Right now, government is the biggest employer (even though the Ontario Lottery Corp. left town), but the Soo is doing lots of things right. (More on that in a minute.)
For my part, I did my best to argue that innovation and entrepreneurship is the best route to the future - but you can read the rest in my Financial Post column on Monday.
The bootcamp featured lots of fabulous presenters with great messages. Word-of-mouth evangelist Sean Moffit (blogging as BuzzCanuck) offered multiple examples of how to turn customers into raving fans. Retail consultant and trainer Kevin Graff was polished and upbeat in offering tips for boosting sales. I especially liked the exercise in which he challenged us to play as many games of tic-tac-toe as we could in 90 seconds.
(Key learning point: when you invest the first 30 seconds of your time in strategizing with your partner about how you’re going to accomplish this task, you get much higher scores – even though it reduces your “doing” time.)
But the rock star of the day was Ben Barry, the implausibly young and smart modeling agency owner from Ottawa. He started the Ben Barry Agency when he was jus

After he spoke, Ben spent hours talking with local high school and college students about business, the modeling biz, and life. People were thrilled to meet him, and he dominated the newspaper coverage of the event. And deservedly so. To me, Ben represents all that’s good and important about entrepreneurship: using your own character, energy and life experience to create something new and positive, and then lobbying for needed change in your industry.
Ben encourages people to start businesses while you're young: your ideas are still fresh and new, he says, and “we have less to lose when we make mistakes.”
Click here to read my May 2007 PROFIT column on Ben and his book, Fashioning Reality.
Or read about his talk in the Sault Star or at
Meantime, Sault Ste. Marie is a city that really gets it. Here's a list of recent new-economy accomplishments, as supplied by Tom Vair, the Innovation Centre's executive director.

• PodGenerating is developing a 60MW, $400M solar generating facility
• Lucidia, an award-winning local communications company, develops websites for Fairmont, Legacy Hotels, and Westin.
• Enquest Power Corp. - One of two companies that has received MOE approval to turn municipal waste into energy with their unique steam reformation system
• BioForest Technologies, Inc. – Patented tree injection system and Decision Support System for forest pest management
• Forest BioProducts, Inc. – Development of biodiesel technology with significant international sales that allow small communities to develop their own fuel from biomass
Go Greyhounds!
1 comment:
Thanks Rick for participating in Sault Ste. Marie's Business Bootcamp. And kudos to Tom Vair and his staff at the Innovation Centre for pulling off such a stellar event! It was the best training event that I have ever attended, and I have attended many including eBay Live! I took a vacation day from my job in public health to attend with my husband. You may remember me, I was the woman in the purple sweater.
When I heard about Business Bootcamp, I knew it would be good, but instead it was great! I was so impressed with the quality of speakers. I really enjoyed your greyhound analogy Rick. That was imaginative and so appropriate as we do love our Greyhounds.
When I went back to work on Friday I was evangelizing to all my colleagues about how great bootcamp was and that they should have attended and that they really missed something big. I explained that there were many crossover marketing techniques that I learned that could be applied directly to the social marketing that we do in public health. You could say that through word of mouth I created quite a buzz around the office!
Susan Boston
P.S. I thought all you guys were rock stars!
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