Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Top 10 search engine resources

Using search engines to market your business is hot, but many entrepreneurs still don't know what’s involved or how to get started. E-business specialist John Beauchamp, coordinator of the Alberta E-Future Centre, found lots of clients asking about search engine marketing last month, so he researched the best SEM online resources for small business and posted them on his blog.

Here, carefully copied and pasted for your edification, are John’s top SEM links. As he writes, “If you are a non-tech savvy small business person, who wants to learn about marketing your site online, here are some great places to start.”

Paid search information -
Search engine information -
A good place to start for background information -
Good general tips -
Good general information for driving traffic -
Good information on building links -
Good general tips -
More good general information -
Good link building information -
For when you are looking at your competition and potential sites to get links from -

If you're going to be in Edmonton on April 18, the Alberta E-Future Centre is offering a three-hour search engine marketing seminar. For more information, click here.

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