It's been a slow year for this blog, as a nice problem called "too much work" kept
me from updating here more than one each month or so. My resolution for 2014 is
to increase that frequency by at least 100%. Wish me luck.
In the meantime, here are some seasonal treats for you to feast on:
* The New Year is the right time to think about planning. Here's
a framework for setting your business's director this year - and one entrepreneur's
testimonial about how it helped her figure stuff out.
(I snickered when I saw the graphic the Post used to decorate the online version of my story.)
* My official "holiday" column for the National
Post looked at what business can learn from our most important Christmas traditions
(you know, Charlie Brown, Jimmy Stewart, Scrooge, and the big eastern
syndicate). Hopefully a fun yet thought-provoking read.
* And take a few minutes to learn from a master: my
review of the higlights of Fred Dawkins' new book, Everyday
Entrepreneur. He's a long-time Ontario entrepreneur, and his business lessons are worth
the drive to Acton. If you don't know what that means, click here:
* I also wrote an online-only followup to the Dawkins review. I wanted to focus on his thoughts on why partnerships almost always fail. Worth reading if you have a partner, or ever wished you did.
Thanks for reading. Please accept all my best wishes for a happy and
successful New Year.