Thursday, May 23, 2019

Reliving Collision: Day 2 tweets

Here are my tweets from day 2 of Collision Toronto 2019. Many great moments!
As in the previous post, read from the bottom up if you care about chronological order.

This time, I've added a few comments, to provide follow-up or correct the occasional error.

(This tweet got under the skin of a few Nenshi haters. I'd prefer it got under people's skin in Waterloo, which missed a great chance to formally showcase its incredible tech community. Of course, individual tech entrepreneurs from K-W were found throughout Collision, but randomness is not the best branding.)

I missed tweeting two of the three semi-finalists (each pitch was just 3 minutes long - barely enough time for a meaningful tweet). New York-based Loliware  uses leading seaweed technology to replace single-use plastics such as straws ("Designed to disappear.") Los Angeles-based Spero Foods produces plant-based substitutes for eggs and dairy products. Dum spiro spero!

Addendum: The winner was Loliware. Canadian connection: Loliware is a SheEO-backed company.
Congrats to founders Chelsea Briganti and Leigh Ann Tucker!
Furlong's point was  valid, and I'm glad she had the courage to point that out after so many VCs were gushing over the quality of the pitches. You can't learn much from genial praise.

Very cool company! Check out Victoria-based Open Ocean Robotics at

Korapay is actually based in Toronto. Read more; 

There were actually 14 pitches, divided into two sessions of seven. Sorry for the error. Listening is harder than it sounds.

This tweet was especially popular in the Second Amendment community. That doesn't make it wrong.
For more about Anduril Industries, visit
In elvish, "Anduril" (the name of Aragorn's sword) means "Flame of the West."* Which bothers me a little bit. Tolkien's hoary Nordicness is a bit out of place in our globalized world, where India and China are not Mordor.
* (Yes, I did have to look that up.)

Amazing new product from the company formerly known as Thalmic Labs. Read a review here. 

Speaking about the Ford cuts, Bains also noted, "We would not be here today (ie, in a leadership position in AI-related technologies) if we had not invested in the past... When it comes to AI and innovation, we will continue to invest."

Seriously. The paranoia about Chinese and Russian tech from some American speakers was almost tangible.

Always thank the volunteers.

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