Tuesday, June 02, 2020

How Every Zoom Meeting Ends

You know that chaotic scramble at the end of every Zoom meeting and the anticlimactic feeling as they slowly peter out? It's the same in Middle Earth.

Thanks to Josh Gad for reuniting the cast of "The Lord of the Rings." I have posted a few subtitles onto the last two minutes of their reunion to demonstrate that celebrities don't know how to deal with Zoom either.

Yes, it has the "Where was xxx?" part, a too-late passionate speech at the end, garbled "next steps", the competition to be the last person to sign off,  and the guy who's been drinking the whole time.

Watch to the end for Gimli's (John Rhys-Davies) homage to his other most iconic role.

You can watch the cast's full 50-minute reunion at "Reunited Apart": https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=l_U0S6x_kCs

It's more fun than any Zoom meeting I've ever been part of. 

Thanks to @JoshGad for initiating these events and using them to raise funds for charity. 

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