Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Ask a Real Pro

A recent post directed you to PROFIT Magazine’s “Ask the Legends” feature, with its interview with Miles Nadal, the former sports photographer who built his own communications empire through Toronto-based MDC Corp. The neat thing is that all the questions have been asked by PROFIT readers (or web visitors).

Now I’ve learned that the truly legendary John Forzani will be featured in an upcoming Ask the Legends column.

For anyone who doesn't know, Forzani is chair and co-founder of The Forzani Group, Canada’s biggest sports retailer. And he is also a former offensive lineman for the Calgary Stampeders (in the best Gretzky and Lemieux tradition, he is now a co-owner of the team). He’s a winner of the Entrepreneur of the Year Award, the PROFIT 100, and the Distinguished Canadian Retailer of the Year Award.

Want to know how to go from one store to 100? How to hire better people, how to sell more, how to pick the right locations? These are tough times in retail. If you want help, ask a pro: John Forzani.
Send your questions this week to legends@profit.rogers.com.

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