Friday, December 11, 2009

Tapping your fanbase

Does your business have loyal alumni, fans or other resources you could be making better use of?

My column in this week’s Financial Post looks at one entrepreneur who found a valuable resource of ideas and support under his very nose – once a year.

That entrepreneur is Vic Fedeli, mayor of North Bay, Ont., and my article explores how he meets every Boxing Day with young people who moved away from town – but still come home for Christmas. He asks them to brainstorm ways that North Bay, a city of 54,000, can develop a stronger economy, and what it would take to bring them back.

Result: he is leveraging a resource North Bay never knew it had – and getting lots of great ideas for strengthening the economy.

It's a good news story that reminds us of the human assets we may all be neglecting around us.

You can read the full story here.


Entrepreneurs Blog said...

Super idea, and so ulike a politician to come up with anything orginal and useful!

Rick Spence said...

In my experience, there are all kinds of politicians. Fortunately, this one is a successful entrepreneur, so he embraces new ideas. And consensus.

Unknown said...

This is such a smart approach. As someone raised in Sault Ste. Marie, another economy badly in need of its young people, I wish more northern towns would do the same.